wzcab3.dll - WinZip CAB Detection and Extractor


wzcab3.dll - WinZip CAB Detection and Extractor is a DLL file provided by WinZIP compression tool.

Download: wzcab3.dll from WinZIP download page.

✍: FYIcenter.com


Information of wzcab3.dll - WinZip CAB Detection and Extractor:

File name: wzcab3.dll
Description: WinZip CAB Detection and Extractor
File version: 3.1.6028.0
Size: 73,728 bytes
Modified: Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 9:00:00 AM
Product: WinZIP
Company: WinZip Computing
Location: C:\Program Files\WinZip
Dependency: kernel32.dll
Dependency: user32.dll
Dependency: version.dll

2009-10-16, 7216👍, 0💬