custsat.dll - custsat


custsat.dll - custsat is a DLL file provided as part of Microsoft Visual Studio.

Download: custsat.dll from Visual Studio Developer Center.



Information of custsat.dll - custsat:

File name: custsat.dll
Description: custsat
File version: 9.0.2600.5512
Size: 33,792 bytes
Modified: Monday, April 14, 2008, 5:41:52 AM
Product: Messenger
Company: Microsoft Corporation
Location: C:\Program Files\Messenger
Dependency: msvcrt.dll
Dependency: advapi32.dll
Dependency: shlwapi.dll
Dependency: ole32.dll
Dependency: oleaut32.dll
Dependency: kernel32.dll

2009-10-21, 10040👍, 0💬