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Other Resources:
atl.dll - ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
atl.dll - ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System.
Download: atl.dll from Visual C++ Developer Center.
Information of atl.dll - ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
File name: atl.dll Description: ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) File version: 3.5.2284.2 Size: 58,880 bytes Modified: Friday, July 17, 2009, 3:01:06 PM Product: Visual C++ 6.05 Company: Microsoft Corporation Location: C:\WINDOWS\system32 Dependency: msvcrt.dll Dependency: kernel32.dll Dependency: user32.dll Dependency: gdi32.dll Dependency: advapi32.dll Dependency: ole32.dll Dependency: oleaut32.dll
2009-09-19, 9612👍, 0💬
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