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Other Resources:
authplay.dll 10.1 - Adobe Flash Player 10.1 r85
authplay.dll 10.1 is the "Adobe Flash Player 10.1 r85" DLL file included in "Shockwave Flash" produced by "Adobe Systems, Inc.". authplay.dll is probably installed as part of "Adobe Reader 9.0".
More information, go to Adobe PDF Reader Web site.
File Size and location:
File name: authplay.dll File path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\authplay.dll File size: 6210560 bytes Last modified time: 9/16/2010 4:08:40 AM
DLL/EXE executable file version information
Internal name: Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Original file name: authplay.dll File description: Adobe Flash Player 10.1 r85 File version: 10,1,85,3 Product name: Shockwave Flash Product version: 10,1,85,3 Company name: Adobe Systems, Inc. Legal copyright: Adober Flashr Player. Copyright c 1996-2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe and Flash are either trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries.
2012-05-23, 5086👍, 0💬
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