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Other Resources:
ds16gt.dLL 3.510 - Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
ds16gt.dLL 3.510 is the "Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk" DLL file included in "Microsoft Open Database Connectivity" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". ds16gt.dLL is probably installed as part of "".
File Size and location:
File name: ds16gt.dLL File path: c:\windows\system32\ds16gt.dLL File size: 4656 bytes Last modified time: 6/10/2009 5:17:01 PM
DLL/EXE executable file version information
Internal name: DS16GT Original file name: DS16GT.DLL File description: Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk File version: 3.510.3711.0 Product name: Microsoft Open Database Connectivity Product version: 3.510.3711.0 Company name: Microsoft Corporation Legal copyright: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990-1999
2016-10-29, 872👍, 0💬
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