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UNRAR.DLL 3.70 - RAR decompression library
UNRAR.DLL 3.70 is the "RAR decompression library" DLL file. UNRAR.DLL is probably installed as part of "WinZip 14.5". RAR (stands for Roshal ARchive) is a proprietary archive file format that supports data compression, error recovery, and file spanning. It was developed by a Russian software engineer, Eugene Roshal.
More information, go to WinZip Web site.
File Size and location:
File name: UNRAR.DLL File path: C:\Program Files\WinZip\UNRAR.DLL File size: 173384 bytes Last modified time: 4/5/2010 3:50:00 PM
DLL/EXE executable file version information
Internal name: Original file name: Unrar.dll File description: RAR decompression library File version: 3.70 Product name: Product version: Company name: Legal copyright:
2012-02-02, 5770👍, 0💬
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