msvcrt.dll 7.0 - Windows NT CRT DLL


msvcrt.dll 7.0 is the Windows NT CRT DLL included in the Windows 7 operating system. msvcrt.dll is the Microsoft Visual C++ Run-Time for Visual C++ version 4.2 to 6.0. msvcrt.dll is a basic library functions required by C and C++ programs for string manipulation, memory allocation, C-style input/output calls, etc.

More information, go to Windows 7 Web site.



File Size and location:

File name: msvcrt.dll
File path: C:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
File size: 690688 bytes
Last modified time: 7/13/2009 9:15:50 PM

DLL/EXE executable file version information

Internal name: msvcrt.dll
Original file name: msvcrt.dll
File description: Windows NT CRT DLL
File version: 7.0.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)
Product name: Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System
Product version: 7.0.7600.16385
Company name: Microsoft Corporation
Legal copyright: c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

DLL dependency list:


2012-01-24, 6024👍, 0💬