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adsnt.dll 6.1 - ADs Windows NT Provider DLL
adsnt.dll 6.1 is the "ADs Windows NT Provider DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". adsnt.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: adsnt.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\adsnt.dll File size: 260608 bytes...
2018-01-16, 1782👍, 0💬

api-ms-win-service-winsvc-l1-1-0.dll 6.1 - ApiSet Stub DLL
api-ms-win-service-winsvc-l1-1 -0.dll6.1 is the "ApiSet Stub DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". api-ms-win-service-winsvc-l1-1 -0.dllis probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: api-ms-win-service-winsvc-l1-1 -0...
2017-11-05, 1143👍, 0💬

browser.dll 6.1 - Computer Browser Service DLL
browser.dll 6.1 is the "Computer Browser Service DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". browser.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: browser.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\browser.dl lFile size: 102...
2017-06-28, 1261👍, 0💬

browcli.dll 6.1 - Browser Service Client DLL
browcli.dll 6.1 is the "Browser Service Client DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". browcli.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: browcli.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\browcli.dl lFile size: 41984...
2017-06-28, 982👍, 0💬

cfgmgr32.dll 6.1 - Configuration Manager DLL
cfgmgr32.dll 6.1 is the "Configuration Manager DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". cfgmgr32.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: cfgmgr32.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\cfgmgr32.d llFile size: 14...
2017-04-28, 1017👍, 0💬

clusapi.dll 6.1 - Cluster API Library
clusapi.dll 6.1 is the "Cluster API Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". clusapi.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: clusapi.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\clusapi.dl lFile size: 230912 b...
2017-04-08, 1015👍, 0💬

comsvcs.dll 2001.12 - COM+ Services
comsvcs.dll 2001.12 is the "COM+ Services" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". comsvcs.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: comsvcs.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\comsvcs.dl lFile size: 1242112 by...
2017-02-25, 1229👍, 0💬

davhlpr.dll 6.1 - DAV Helper DLL
davhlpr.dll 6.1 is the "DAV Helper DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". davhlpr.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: davhlpr.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\davhlpr.dl lFile size: 19456 bytes Last ...
2016-12-08, 1204👍, 0💬

dataclen.dll 6.1 - Disk Space Cleaner for Windows
dataclen.dll 6.1 is the "Disk Space Cleaner for Windows" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dataclen.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dataclen.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dataclen.d llFile...
2016-12-08, 1065👍, 0💬

dmutil.dll 6.1 - Logical Disk Manager Utility Library
dmutil.dll 6.1 is the "Logical Disk Manager Utility Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dmutil.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dmutil.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dmutil.dll File s...
2016-11-05, 970👍, 0💬

dps.dll 6.1 - WDI Diagnostic Policy Service
dps.dll 6.1 is the "WDI Diagnostic Policy Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dps.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dps.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dps.dll File size: 144384 bytes L...
2016-10-30, 1137👍, 0💬

fdBth.dll 6.1 - Function Discovery Bluetooth Provider Dll
fdBth.dll 6.1 is the "Function Discovery Bluetooth Provider Dll" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". fdBth.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: fdBth.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\fdBth.dll File size...
2016-10-13, 1095👍, 0💬

filemgmt.dll 6.1 - Services and Shared Folders
filemgmt.dll 6.1 is the "Services and Shared Folders" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". filemgmt.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: filemgmt.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\filemgmt.d llFile si...
2016-10-05, 1133👍, 0💬

FirewallAPI.dll 6.1 - Windows Firewall API
FirewallAPI.dll 6.1 is the "Windows Firewall API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". FirewallAPI.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: FirewallAPI.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\FirewallAP I.dllFi...
2016-10-04, 1197👍, 0💬

FXSST.dll 6.1 - Fax Service
FXSST.dll 6.1 is the "Fax Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". FXSST.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: FXSST.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\FXSST.dll File size: 848384 bytes Last modifi...
2016-09-10, 1000👍, 0💬

gpsvc.dll 6.1 - Group Policy Client
gpsvc.dll 6.1 is the "Group Policy Client" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". gpsvc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: gpsvc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\gpsvc.dll File size: 597504 bytes Las...
2016-09-02, 1241👍, 0💬

hnetcfg.dll 6.1 - Home Networking Configuration Manager
hnetcfg.dll 6.1 is the "Home Networking Configuration Manager" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". hnetcfg.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: hnetcfg.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\hnetcfg.dl lF...
2016-08-16, 1196👍, 0💬

httpapi.dll 6.1 - HTTP Protocol Stack API
httpapi.dll 6.1 is the "HTTP Protocol Stack API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". httpapi.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: httpapi.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\httpapi.dl lFile size: 3481...
2016-07-30, 1134👍, 0💬

kerberos.dll 6.1 - Kerberos Security Package
kerberos.dll 6.1 is the "Kerberos Security Package" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". kerberos.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: kerberos.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\kerberos.d llFile size...
2016-07-13, 1334👍, 0💬

MPSSVC.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Protection Service
MPSSVC.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Protection Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". MPSSVC.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: MPSSVC.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\MPSSVC.dll File size: 566...
2016-07-06, 1321👍, 0💬

msdtckrm.dll 2001.12 - Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL
msdtckrm.dll 2001.12 is the "Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". msdtckrm.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: msdt...
2016-06-29, 1147👍, 0💬

lmhsvc.dll 6.1 - TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL
lmhsvc.dll 6.1 is the "TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". lmhsvc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: lmhsvc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\lmhsvc.dll File size:...
2015-06-19, 1531👍, 0💬

Locator.exe 6.1 - Rpc Locator
Locator.exe 6.1 is the "Rpc Locator" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". Locator.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: Locator.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\Locator.ex eFile size: 9216 byte...
2015-06-15, 1660👍, 0💬

logoncli.dll 6.1 - Net Logon Client DLL
logoncli.dll 6.1 is the "Net Logon Client DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". logoncli.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: logoncli.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\logoncli.d llFile size: 127488 ...
2015-06-10, 1728👍, 0💬

1 2 >   Sort: Rank