1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   Sort: Date

winspool.drv - Windows Spooler Driver
winspool.drv - Windows Spooler Driver is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: winspool.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of winspool.drv - Windows Spooler Driver: File name: winspool.drv Description: Windows Spooler Driver File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 146,...
2009-10-01, 12273👍, 0💬

winmm.dll - MCI API DLL
winmm.dll - MCI API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: winmm.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of winmm.dll - MCI API DLL: File name: winmm.dll Description: MCI API DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 176,128 bytes Modified: Monday, April 14, 2008, 5...
2009-09-29, 11233👍, 0💬

calc.exe 6.1 - Windows Calculator
calc.exe 6.1 is the "Windows Calculator" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". calc.exe is probably installed as part of "Windows 7". More information, go to Windows 7 Web site . File Size and location: File name: calc.exe File path: ...
2013-08-01, 9548👍, 0💬

msgsc.dll - Messenger Service
msgsc.dll - Messenger Service is a DLL file provided as part of Microsoft Visual Studio. Download: msgsc.dll from Visual Studio Developer Center . Information of msgsc.dll - Messenger Service: File name: msgsc.dll Description: Messenger Service File version: Size: 83,968 bytes Modified: F...
2009-10-21, 9348👍, 0💬

BdeUISrv.exe 6.1 - BDE UI Launcher
BdeUISrv.exe 6.1 is the "BDE UI Launcher" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". BdeUISrv.exe is probably installed as part of "Windows 7". More information, go to Windows 7 Web site . File Size and location: File name: BdeUISrv.exe Fi...
2013-06-13, 8966👍, 0💬

dbghelp.dll - Windows Image Helper
dbghelp.dll - Windows Image Helper is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: dbghelp.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of dbghelp.dll - Windows Image Helper: File name: dbghelp.dll Description: Windows Image Helper File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 640,000 bytes ...
2009-09-19, 8940👍, 0💬

oleaut32.dll - OLE Automation DLL
oleaut32.dll - OLE Automation DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. Download: oleaut32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of oleaut32.dll - OLE Automation DLL File name: oleaut32.dll Description: OLE Automation DLL File v...
2016-10-20, 8938👍, 1💬

💬 2016-10-20 Sathish kumar: thanks

crypt32.dll - Crypto API32
crypt32.dll - Crypto API32 is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: crypt32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of crypt32.dll - Crypto API32: File name: crypt32.dll Description: Crypto API32 File version: 5.131.2600.5512 Size: 599,040 bytes Modified: Monday, Apri...
2009-09-19, 8561👍, 0💬

rasman.dll - Remote Access Connection Manager
rasman.dll - Remote Access Connection Manager is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Download: rasman.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of rasman.dll - Remote Access Connection Manager: File name: rasman.dll Description...
2009-10-09, 8415👍, 0💬

advapi32.dll - Advanced Windows 32 Base API
advapi32.dll - Advanced Windows 32 Base API, is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: advapi32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of advapi32.dll - Advanced Windows 32 Base API: File name: advapi32.dll Description: Advanced Windows 32 Base API File version: 5.1.2...
2009-09-19, 8393👍, 0💬

setupapi.dll - Windows Setup API
setupapi.dll - Windows Setup API is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: setupapi.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of setupapi.dll - Windows Setup API: File name: setupapi.dll Description: Windows Setup API File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 985,088 bytes Modif...
2009-09-19, 8373👍, 0💬

netapi32.dll - Net Win32 API DLL
netapi32.dll - Net Win32 API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: netapi32.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of netapi32.dll - Net Win32 API DLL: File name: netapi32.dll Description: Net Win32 API DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5694 Size: 337,408 bytes Modif...
2009-09-19, 8105👍, 0💬

wintrust.dll - Microsoft Trust Verification APIs
wintrust.dll - Microsoft Trust Verification APIs is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: wintrust.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of wintrust.dll - Microsoft Trust Verification APIs: File name: wintrust.dll Description: Microsoft Trust Verification APIs File ...
2009-09-19, 8032👍, 0💬

hnetcfg.dll - Home Networking Configuration Manager
hnetcfg.dll - Home Networking Configuration Manager is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Download: hnetcfg.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of hnetcfg.dll - Home Networking Configuration Manager: File name: hnetcfg.d...
2009-10-13, 7948👍, 0💬

dnsapi.dll - DNS Client API DLL
dnsapi.dll - DNS Client API DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. DNS stands for Domain Name System. Download: dnsapi.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of dnsapi.dll - DNS Client API DLL: File name: dnsapi.dll Description: DNS Client API DLL File version: 5.1.2600....
2009-09-19, 7855👍, 0💬

mswsock.dll - Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
mswsock.dll - Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Download: mswsock.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of mswsock.dll - Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider: Fi...
2009-10-09, 7761👍, 0💬

urlmon.dll - OLE32 Extensions for Win32
urlmon.dll - OLE32 Extensions for Win32 is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: urlmon.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of urlmon.dll - OLE32 Extensions for Win32: File name: urlmon.dll Description: OLE32 Extensions for Win32 File version: 7.0.6000.16876 Size:...
2009-10-02, 7531👍, 0💬

mmdevapi.dll 6.1 - MMDevice API
mmdevapi.dll 6.1 is the MMDevice API included in the Windows 7 operating system. The Multimedia Device (MMDevice) API enables audio clients to discover audio endpoint devices, determine their capabilities, and create driver instances for those devices. More information, go to MMDevice Web site . Fil...
2012-01-26, 7432👍, 0💬

eapolqec.dll - Microsoft EAPOL NAP Enforcement Client
eapolqec.dll - Microsoft EAPOL NAP Enforcement Client is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Download: eapolqec.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of eapolqec.dll - Microsoft EAPOL NAP Enforcement Client: File name: eapo...
2009-10-06, 7314👍, 0💬

qutil.dll - Quarantine Utilities
qutil.dll - Quarantine Utilities is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Download: qutil.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of qutil.dll - Quarantine Utilities: File name: qutil.dll Description: Quarantine Utilities File ...
2009-10-06, 7037👍, 0💬

samlib.dll - SAM Library DLL
samlib.dll - SAM Library DLL is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: samlib.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of samlib.dll - SAM Library DLL: File name: samlib.dll Description: SAM Library DLL File version: 5.1.2600.5512 Size: 64,000 bytes Modified: Monday, Ap...
2009-09-19, 6972👍, 0💬

cryptbase.dll 6.1 - Base cryptographic API DLL
cryptbase.dll 6.1 is the "Base cryptographic API DLL" included in the Windows 7 operating system. More information, go to Windows 7 Web site . File Size and location: File name: cryptbase.dll File path: C:\windows\system32\cryptbase. dllFile size: 36864 bytes Last modified time: 7/13/2009 9:15:07 PM...
2012-01-28, 6769👍, 0💬

oleacc.dll - Active Accessibility Core Component
oleacc.dll - Active Accessibility Core Component is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: oleacc.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of oleacc.dll - Active Accessibility Core Component: File name: oleacc.dll Description: Active Accessibility Core Component File ve...
2009-09-29, 6647👍, 0💬

scecli.dll - Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine
scecli.dll - Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine is a DLL file provided by Microsoft Windows Operating System. Download: scecli.dll from Windows Home Page . Information of scecli.dll - Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine: File name: scecli.dll Description: Windows Sec...
2009-10-03, 6638👍, 0💬

1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>   Sort: Date