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fveui.dll 6.1 - BitLocker Drive Encryption UI
fveui.dll 6.1 is the "BitLocker Drive Encryption UI" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". fveui.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: fveui.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\fveui.dll File size: 113152...
2016-09-22, 1178👍, 0💬

FXSSVC.exe 6.1 - Fax Service
FXSSVC.exe 6.1 is the "Fax Service" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". FXSSVC.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: FXSSVC.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\FXSSVC.exe File size: 523264 bytes ...
2016-09-10, 1499👍, 0💬

gameux.dll 6.1 - Games Explorer
gameux.dll 6.1 is the "Games Explorer" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". gameux.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: gameux.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\gameux.dll File size: 2576384 bytes Las...
2016-09-08, 1140👍, 0💬

hgprint.dll 6.1 - HomeGroup Printing Support
hgprint.dll 6.1 is the "HomeGroup Printing Support" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". hgprint.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: hgprint.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\hgprint.dl lFile size: 1...
2016-08-27, 908👍, 0💬

HPScanTRDrv_OJX476_DN.dll 32.0 - HPScanTRDrv Module
HPScanTRDrv_OJX476_DN.dll 32.0 is the "HPScanTRDrv Module" DLL file included in "HP Digital Imaging" produced by "Hewlett-Packard Co.". HPScanTRDrv_OJX476_DN.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: HPScanTRDrv_OJX476_DN.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\HPScanTRD. ..
2016-08-01, 1001👍, 0💬

icardagt.exe 3.0 - Windows CardSpace User Interface Agent
icardagt.exe 3.0 is the "Windows CardSpace User Interface Agent" executable file included in "Microsoftr .NET Framework" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". icardagt.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: icardagt.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\icardagt.e xe...
2016-07-25, 1160👍, 0💬

icardie.dll 10.0 - Microsoft Information Card IE Helper
icardie.dll 10.0 is the "Microsoft Information Card IE Helper" DLL file included in "Windowsr Internet Explorer" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". icardie.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: icardie.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\icardie.dl lFile size: ...
2016-07-22, 1004👍, 0💬

IdListen.dll 6.1 - Identity Listener
IdListen.dll 6.1 is the "Identity Listener" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". IdListen.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: IdListen.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\IdListen.d llFile size: 148480...
2016-07-20, 1103👍, 0💬

ieframe.dll 10.0 - Internet Browser
ieframe.dll 10.0 is the "Internet Browser" DLL file included in "Windowsr Internet Explorer" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". ieframe.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: ieframe.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\ieframe.dl lFile size: 13768704 bytes Last ...
2016-07-17, 1654👍, 0💬

iedkcs32.dll 18.0 - IEAK branding
iedkcs32.dll 18.0 is the "IEAK branding" DLL file included in "Windowsr Internet Explorer" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". iedkcs32.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: iedkcs32.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\iedkcs32.d llFile size: 226816 bytes Last m...
2016-07-17, 1087👍, 0💬

iertutil.dll 10.0 - Run time utility for Internet Explorer
iertutil.dll 10.0 is the "Run time utility for Internet Explorer" DLL file included in "Windowsr Internet Explorer" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". iertutil.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: iertutil.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\iertutil.d llFile ...
2016-07-16, 1060👍, 0💬

ipsecsnp.dll 6.1 - IP Security Policy Management Snap-in
ipsecsnp.dll 6.1 is the "IP Security Policy Management Snap-in" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". ipsecsnp.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: ipsecsnp.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\ipsecsnp.d ...
2016-07-16, 1036👍, 0💬

IPSECSVC.DLL 6.1 - Windows IPsec SPD Server DLL
IPSECSVC.DLL 6.1 is the "Windows IPsec SPD Server DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". IPSECSVC.DLL is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: IPSECSVC.DLL File path: c:\windows\system32\IPSECSVC.D LLFile size:...
2016-07-15, 1205👍, 0💬

kerberos.dll 6.1 - Kerberos Security Package
kerberos.dll 6.1 is the "Kerberos Security Package" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". kerberos.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: kerberos.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\kerberos.d llFile size...
2016-07-13, 1333👍, 0💬

KMSVC.DLL 6.1 - Key Management Service
KMSVC.DLL 6.1 is the "Key Management Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". KMSVC.DLL is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: KMSVC.DLL File path: c:\windows\system32\KMSVC.DLL File size: 71168 bytes L...
2016-07-12, 1124👍, 0💬

keymgr.dll 6.1 - Stored User Names and Passwords
keymgr.dll 6.1 is the "Stored User Names and Passwords" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". keymgr.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: keymgr.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\keymgr.dll File size: ...
2016-07-12, 1042👍, 0💬

MRT.exe 5.22 - Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
MRT.exe 5.22 is the "Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool" executable file included in "Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". MRT.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: MRT.exe File path: c:\windows\s...
2016-07-06, 1438👍, 0💬

MPSSVC.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Protection Service
MPSSVC.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Protection Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". MPSSVC.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: MPSSVC.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\MPSSVC.dll File size: 566...
2016-07-06, 1320👍, 0💬

msclmd.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Class Mini-driver
msclmd.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Class Mini-driver" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". msclmd.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: msclmd.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\msclmd.dll File size: 1525...
2016-07-03, 1130👍, 0💬

msdt.exe 6.1 - Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard
msdt.exe 6.1 is the "Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". msdt.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: msdt.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\msdt.exe File size...
2016-06-29, 2036👍, 0💬

msfeeds.dll 10.0 - Microsoft Feeds Manager
msfeeds.dll 10.0 is the "Microsoft Feeds Manager" DLL file included in "Windowsr Internet Explorer" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". msfeeds.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: msfeeds.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\msfeeds.dl lFile size: 493056 bytes ...
2016-06-26, 1164👍, 0💬

mshtml.dll 10.0 - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer
mshtml.dll 10.0 is the "Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer" DLL file included in "Windowsr Internet Explorer" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". mshtml.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: mshtml.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\mshtml.dll File size: 14380544 bytes ...
2016-06-24, 1846👍, 0💬

IKEEXT.DLL 6.1 - IKE extension
IKEEXT.DLL 6.1 is the "IKE extension" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". IKEEXT.DLL is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: IKEEXT.DLL File path: c:\windows\system32\IKEEXT.DLL File size: 679424 bytes Last ...
2016-04-04, 1354👍, 0💬

inetcomm.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources
inetcomm.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". inetcomm.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: inetcomm.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\inetc...
2016-03-24, 1490👍, 0💬

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