<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >>   Sort: Rank

dmrc.dll 6.1 - Windows MRC
dmrc.dll 6.1 is the "Windows MRC" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dmrc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dmrc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dmrc.dll File size: 111616 bytes Last modified t...
2016-11-08, 1226👍, 0💬

dot3svc.dll 6.1 - Wired AutoConfig Service
dot3svc.dll 6.1 is the "Wired AutoConfig Service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dot3svc.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dot3svc.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dot3svc.dl lFile size: 214...
2016-11-03, 1180👍, 0💬

dpapimig.exe 6.1 - DPAPI Key Migration Wizard
dpapimig.exe 6.1 is the "DPAPI Key Migration Wizard" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dpapimig.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dpapimig.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\dpapimig.e xeF...
2016-11-02, 1128👍, 0💬

dot3ui.dll 6.1 - 802.3 Advanced UI
dot3ui.dll 6.1 is the "802.3 Advanced UI" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dot3ui.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dot3ui.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dot3ui.dll File size: 333824 bytes L...
2016-11-02, 1076👍, 0💬

dpapiprovider.dll 6.1 - dpapiprovider DLL
dpapiprovider.dll 6.1 is the "dpapiprovider DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dpapiprovider.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dpapiprovider.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\dpapiprovi der.dllF...
2016-11-02, 981👍, 0💬

drvstore.dll 6.1 - Driver Store API
drvstore.dll 6.1 is the "Driver Store API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". drvstore.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: drvstore.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\drvstore.d llFile size: 323072 ...
2016-10-29, 1058👍, 0💬

drtprov.dll 6.1 - Distributed Routing Table Providers
drtprov.dll 6.1 is the "Distributed Routing Table Providers" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". drtprov.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: drtprov.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\drtprov.dl lFil...
2016-10-29, 957👍, 0💬

dssenh.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
dssenh.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". dssenh.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: dssenh.dll File path: c:\window...
2016-10-26, 1136👍, 0💬

Dxpserver.exe 6.1 - Device Stage Platform Server
Dxpserver.exe 6.1 is the "Device Stage Platform Server" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". Dxpserver.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: Dxpserver.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\Dxpserver. ..
2016-10-24, 1943👍, 0💬

efscore.dll 6.1 - EFS Core Library
efscore.dll 6.1 is the "EFS Core Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". efscore.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: efscore.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\efscore.dl lFile size: 205312 byte...
2016-10-24, 1343👍, 0💬

efsadu.dll 6.1 - File Encryption Utility
efsadu.dll 6.1 is the "File Encryption Utility" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". efsadu.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: efsadu.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\efsadu.dll File size: 82944 by...
2016-10-24, 1208👍, 0💬

DxpTaskSync.dll 6.1 - Microsoft Windows DXP Sync.
DxpTaskSync.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft Windows DXP Sync." DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". DxpTaskSync.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: DxpTaskSync.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\DxpTaskSyn c...
2016-10-24, 1073👍, 0💬

eapphost.dll 6.1 - Microsoft EAPHost Peer service
eapphost.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft EAPHost Peer service" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". eapphost.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: eapphost.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\eapphost.d llFile...
2016-10-24, 926👍, 0💬

eapp3hst.dll 6.1 - Microsoft ThirdPartyEapDispatcher
eapp3hst.dll 6.1 is the "Microsoft ThirdPartyEapDispatcher" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". eapp3hst.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: eapp3hst.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\eapp3hst.d llF...
2016-10-24, 887👍, 0💬

efsui.exe 6.1 - EFS UI Application
efsui.exe 6.1 is the "EFS UI Application" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". efsui.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: efsui.exe File path: c:\windows\system32\efsui.exe File size: 12288 byte...
2016-10-24, 1273👍, 0💬

efsutil.dll 6.1 - EFS Utility Library
efsutil.dll 6.1 is the "EFS Utility Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". efsutil.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: efsutil.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\efsutil.dl lFile size: 24576 by...
2016-10-24, 985👍, 0💬

EhStorAuthn.exe 6.1 - Windows Enhanced Storage Password Authentication Program
EhStorAuthn.exe 6.1 is the "Windows Enhanced Storage Password Authentication Program" executable file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". EhStorAuthn.exe is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: EhStorAuthn.exe File p...
2016-10-22, 1474👍, 0💬

EncDec.dll 6.6 - XDSCodec & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters.
EncDec.dll 6.6 is the " XDSCodec & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters." DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". EncDec.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: EncDec.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\Enc...
2016-10-20, 1210👍, 0💬

fdWCN.dll 6.1 - Windows Connect Now - Config Function Discovery Provider DLL
fdWCN.dll 6.1 is the "Windows Connect Now - Config Function Discovery Provider DLL" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". fdWCN.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: fdWCN.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\...
2016-10-08, 1093👍, 0💬

fdWSD.dll 6.1 - Function Discovery WS Discovery Provider Dll
fdWSD.dll 6.1 is the "Function Discovery WS Discovery Provider Dll" file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". fdWSD.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: fdWSD.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\fdWSD.dll File s...
2016-10-08, 1065👍, 0💬

feclient.dll 6.1 - Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces
feclient.dll 6.1 is the "Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". feclient.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: feclient.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\fec...
2016-10-05, 1058👍, 0💬

FirewallAPI.dll 6.1 - Windows Firewall API
FirewallAPI.dll 6.1 is the "Windows Firewall API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". FirewallAPI.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: FirewallAPI.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\FirewallAP I.dllFi...
2016-10-04, 1193👍, 0💬

fveapi.dll 6.1 - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API
fveapi.dll 6.1 is the "Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". fveapi.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: fveapi.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\fveapi.dll File...
2016-09-23, 1475👍, 0💬

fvecerts.dll 6.1 - BitLocker Certificates Library
fvecerts.dll 6.1 is the "BitLocker Certificates Library" DLL file included in "Microsoftr Windowsr Operating System" produced by "Microsoft Corporation". fvecerts.dll is probably installed as part of "". File Size and location: File name: fvecerts.dll File path: c:\windows\system32\fvecerts.d llFile...
2016-09-23, 1147👍, 0💬

<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >>   Sort: Rank